Jesus is not cool or uncool based on human endorsement, no matter how famous that particular human. Trying to convert our friends because a celebrity “loves Jesus” is dangerous. Why? Because people, pastors, Axis employees, and celebrities, fail us.
We must tell others about Jesus. It is our duty as Christians to tell this dying world about the glorious salvation and hope that is Christ. However, we can’t base the gospel on celebrity endorsements or our own charisma. We must base it upon Scripture and upon what Jesus has done. He Himself is our firm foundation.
Titans from the worlds of politics, sport, music, television and religion stride the Christian stage and screen with an authority born only from their mass appeal. 'Following the star' has become the exact opposite of what it was for the three wise men. Today it leads away from Christ, not to him. - Os Guiness
The point is not to harp on Miley Cyrus’s mistakes or to compare ourselves to other Christians who fail. As a side note: if a video camera captured every moment of your life, do you think there might be some things TMZ would want to feature? The point is that authority on faith doesn’t come from mass appeal or celebrity endorsement.
So, where do you think authority on faith issues comes from? Make a comment or join the discussion on Facebook.
1 http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20186041,00.html
2 Os Guinness, The Gravedigger File, p.154
photo borrowed from: http://www.celebrity-sunglasses-finder.com/image-files/miley-cyrus.jpg