let’s talk about cars... i drive a 2004 toyota echo. the wheels are tiny, the champagne paint is similar to the color of a fishing lure, when it is windy my car drives like a kite, and the body style looks similar to a football helmet. to date, i have never been accused of driving a “cool car” and i don’t think i ever will. however, my car is fun to drive (in a mario-cart kinda way) and it works incredibly well.
oh ... and did i mention that it gets an average of 43 miles per gallon?
why all this banter about an automobile? here’s why. i see cars, like most things, as a tool. it takes me from Point A to Point B. now my toyota echo isn’t a ferrari enzo that can zoom from 0 to 60 in 3.6 seconds and it can’t go 217 miles per hour, but last time i checked the speed limit for toyota echos and ferrari enzos is still 75 miles per hour and we both have to stop at red lights1.
in my view the purpose of a car is transportation ... not status, prestige, or style. it just seems that a lot of people are trying to prove something by the vehicle that they drive. just think, if people treated a stapler like they treated their car. some people would have a diamond-studded, hydraulic-powered stapler that uses platinum staples. wouldn’t that be silly?
here’s the point. the best things in life are not things. there is nothing wrong with owning stuff. the problem is when the stuff owns you. the outrage is when we overlook what is important in life (loving God and loving others) because we are busy paying homage to the status a ___________ can give us.
earnestly, david
- and for the record ... my toyota gets 34 more miles per gallon than a ferrari and is about $600,000 cheaper. my friend fraser ratzlaff with Children of the Nations could feed almost 2.4 million meals to starving children for the price difference!

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