the quote, “once you label me you negate me” has been attributed to Soren Kierkegaard1.

when we label others we nullify their individuality and can then justify treating them according to the limits of that label.
it is a discreet way of dismissing someone and replacing them with a stereotype.
labeling has been the gateway for racism, hypocrisy, and generally neglecting others that are different.
- AXiS does not necessarily endorse all of Kierkegaard's philosophy, but instead we want to focus on thoughtful ideas within his (and others) writing.

by: David
"Labeling" is a culturally loaded term. However when we label tupperware according to its contents it is useful for organization. However, if one day I open the salt tupperware and discover it is sugar I will re-label that tupperware. I think labeling people can be positive or negative. I think labeling must be done with a "dry-erase" marker rather than a "permanent" marker. Labeling is something Paul engaged in when He marked out heretics or good leaders in the church (2 Tim 1:15-16).