Ok, I admit...I'm a fan. The guys here in the office can attest to that one. I tuned in almost every Tuesday to see the performances and then again on Wednesday to see who made it to the next round. I didn't know the full effect the show had on America until the last few rounds of the season, when I found out that the show brought in approximately 624 million votes over season 8...random fact.... that is more votes than the past FIVE presidential elections combined (notice I say number of votes and not number of people who voted)! Not to mention that 28 million people tuned in to the season finale and just under 100 million votes were cast (and yes...I voted). But when the show comes to an end... what's the point? What was the point of watching talented young people perform night after night? What difference does it make in the long run? I was very impressed to see how American Idol uses both the viewership and talent to make a difference in the lives of more than the last few standing on stage in May.
Alicia Keyes promoted Keep a Child Alive, an organization dedicated to stopping the spread of AIDS. During one episode of AI, Noah Mushimiyimana, performed on stage and the performance was sold on iTUNES for the charity. On top of that, they promoted a text- fundraiser that brought in over $500,000 from viewers.
David Cook’s older brother passed away from brain cancer in the beginning of May this year, after battling it for many years. During the finale, David Cook performed his new song “Permanent,” and sold the single on iTUNES with all proceeds going to the organization, Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure.
Another organization, never really mentioned during the season, yet making huge waves now that season 8 has come to a close; is Sophia’s Heart Foundation. The foundation was founded by the 3rd place finalist, Danny Gokey, in honor of his wife Sophia. The organization works to provide musical instruments and college scholarships to students, to provide food, clothing and shelter to those in need, and also provide medical assistance for children in need of treatment.
American Idol Gives Back also supports organizations such as The Children's Health Fund, Children's Defense Fund, Make It Right and Save the Children; not to mention more local programs.
Overall, I was very impressed with the difference American Idol and the performers/contestants make in the lives of others all over the world... but what about us? We always talk about action and about the small things we can do as young people. We always assume we have to do this huge act to make a difference in the lives of others and then we shut down when the task seems to much. Sometimes, it’s just as simple as purchasing a song or sending a text message. Don’t back down. Start small.
By: Meghan
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