Monday, July 16, 2012

Katy Perry : Part of Me

“Be yourself and you can be anything.” “It’s okay to stand out.” “Have fun in life, you can never take it too seriously.” Katy Perry’s music has found itself in the top charts since her song release, “I Kissed a Girl, “ back in 2008. Her album, “Teenage Dream” produced 5 number one singles and went double platinum. Now, her movie, “Katy Perry: Part of Me” has hit the big screens. Needless to say, this girl has influence. 
The movie is a documentary that follows her life during her year-long “California Dreams” tour, taking you onstage, backstage, and into Katy’s daily life and childhood.
Katy along with her sister and brother, were raised in a Christian home. Their parents are traveling ministers, and evidently were very legalistic. 

Katy only listened to Christian music, she attended a lot of church functions, and at age 15, released a Christian album. But soon she abandoned the Christian music scene to try something new, and although her mother was proud of her ability to sing -- she wasn’t very excited about Katy’s first single. 

Katy Perry’s life is a very vivid example of a deep and dramatic change in direction, and it begs the question: what caused that change? What pushed Katy to choose such a different set of beliefs from her parents? At one point in the movie, Katy says : “I believe in God...I have a one on one relationship with God...Not the same details as my mom.” 
To have a biblical worldview, one must filter every aspect of life through the lens of the Bible and God’s character. As parents, we can shelter our children from the world. But if we do not engage with them over the ideas that are battling for their hearts and minds they will learn about those ideas from someone else and could decide to go a very different direction. 

Do you think legalism had an impact on where Katy Perry ended up with her career? What do you think her parents could have done differently that may have ended with a different result? You may comment below... 
Some great questions to ask after seeing this film may be:
How do art and music fit into a biblical worldview?
Katy believes in God. Is she referring to the God of the bible?
Do her songs reflect her relationship with God?
Do you think a song like, “I Kissed a Girl,” can affect someone’s worldview?

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