We live in a marketplace of ideas where every movie, tv show, and song is selling us ideas. The following viral video is full of ideas that we need to take captive so that they don't take us captive. Please watch this video with your guard up!
Dangerous idea: "like an elf in a dream..." this obvious allusion to the guys who live in the Keebler tree making cookies all day over a wood burning fireplace not only supports the idea of forest fires but it is telling us that elves exist. Do we really want to promote something that suggests elves exist and make cookies? Elves are just the beginning of this progression into lies and make believe, and if we don't wake up now we will soon be hearing about little fairies making pixy sticks on top of rainbows.
Another idea we see in this song is the idea of sharing cookies, maybe. Again, do we really want to teach our kids -- to share cookies, maybe? "Let your yes be yes and your no be no" either share or don't share, but stop leading people on.
The song directly insults pie and ice-cream, two things that we all know are heavenly. If we insult pie and ice-cream where does it stop? Soon people will be making fun of Peanut M&M's, cake, and cinnamon rolls. Should we really listen to something that promotes food bullying?
Lastly, this music video creates covetousness and lust within the viewer as it makes us unsatisfied with our lives unless we have cookies.
Avoid this song at all costs and do everything you can to help others see the obviously dangerous ideas infiltrating or culture. Or, if you're like us and like to live on the edge, go get some cookies!
What other dangerous ideas do you see in this song? You may comment below...
(and if you read through this entire thing and are still scratching your head, yes this is a joke!)
Hmm, Did I miss the memo? I thought it was Friday the 13th, not April 1st...
ReplyDeleteIt's the new April 1st!