If I can venture to make a claim, at least for the purpose of this blog, I would like to pose the thought that no matter what our beliefs, everyone believes that they are part of a story.
The story that we find ourselves involved in will depend upon our beliefs and ideas of the world and how it works. G.K. Chesterton is quoted as saying:
“I had always felt life as a story: and if there is a story, there is a story-teller.”
Allow me to make another claim. If life is a story then God is the story-teller. For those of us that claim this to be true, do we believe that God has each of us in mind as He is telling His story?
If it is God’s story then what role do we play? And does the Bible do a good job at answering this question?
Knowing the story of the Bible is to become acquainted with the story-teller. If I personally know the story-teller and the story He is trying to tell then most likely I will not only know my role, but I can be better prepared to play my role.
I think Biblica says it best in their introduction to the Books of the Bible. They have written, “The Bible was written so we could enter into its story. It is meant to be lived... We are all invited to take up our own roles in this ongoing story of redemption and new creation.”
Do we follow the script that He has written for us? Because no matter how big or how small, there is a part for each of us to play.
Growing up in theatre my director’s used to tell me how important each role was, from the extra who simply walks from one end of the stage to the other, to the stage crew changing sets in the dark never to be seen by anyone in the audience.
Each part intertwines with all the others and God has a plan to tell a grand story. The parts are casted and the script is set. Our job is to tell the story as best we can through the role that we are cast.
What part do you play in the story? What strengths and abilities do you have that God wants to use to tell the story? Comment below and continue the discussion...
This post was written by Colin Heasley. Colin leads an Axis Team around the country helping students and their communities move from apathy to compassionate action. You can follow the Axis Teams on Twitter: @axisteams
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